
Lifecycle member spotlight: an interview with Gavin Roberts


This week we chat to Gavin Roberts ACA FCCA, Partner at Maxwells Chartered Accountants.

Helping you and your business thrive, Gavin is an, ad-hoc financial director and in his words a plain English speaking accountant who is accessible and on the side of business.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I work with owner-managed businesses in the SME sector helping them to develop their business, assisting with accountancy, taxation and business advice. Im fully qualified in QuickBooks Online as well as being well versed in a myriad of other software systems regularly assisting clients with their accounting system selection, installation and training requirements. Im a frustrated entrepreneur and like nothing more than getting fully involved in my clientes businesses, helping them to develop, whether that is through strategic business advice, sound taxation planning or simply being the go-to guy on all matters business related.

Whates the first thing you do at the start of your working day?

Cup of tea the fuel of any busy accountancy office (and even more so when I am working from home). Then ites a perusal of emails that have come in overnight to see whether they will impact my anticipated schedule for the day and whether there are any quick wins by replying immediately.

How do you plan out your day? A good old fashioned to do list, or more go with the flow?

I am a big fan of the o do list a necessity rather than a fondness really. I have a memory like a very large gauge sieve and dropping the ball on any task, particularly where I am being relied upon, leaves a bitter taste so I do what is necessary to avoid where possible.

This involves a daily scribbled o do list which is urgency based and flexible depending on the pressures of the working day and a medium term digital task list which helps inform the daily tasks and plan my working weeks (and months!).

Whates your desk and workspace like?

I would be lying if I said clear desk, clear mind! Ites certainly what I aspire to but there is a fair bit of clutter and definitely files floating around. There is usually a big pen pot and plenty of note pads, highlighters and sundry stationery (I have a strange fascination for stationery, dont ask!!).

What is the big issue affecting your sector at the moment?

Pace of change the world of accountancy just hasnt been able to catch a breath over recent years. We have had Real Time Information for payroll, Auto Enrolment, New UKGAPP FRS102, Making Tax Digital, as well as the ever changing fiscal and taxation policies. This is not even mentioning Covid-19 and the support programmes that accountants have been thrown into headfirst. It really never stops personally, I love it, but I can understand that for some people in our industry the excitement of the challenge is beginning to wear thin!

Do you have a business niche?

I am a general practitioner I know a little about a lot and I know where to find the answer if it isnt immediately in my wheelhouse, usually another member of my team. I do enjoy the complexities of VAT and international aspects (well I certainly did before Brexit!), I enjoy all areas of tax relief and business development around innovation and therefore Research and Development is an area I like to explore with my clients. Generally, though, I just want to be a trusted adviser and help my clients develop their businesses.

What do you do to escape the world of tax and accounts?

I am an avid fan of theatre and performing arts I have trodden the boards for our local amateur operatic society as well as chairing the society for a number of years. I am currently the chair of Masqueraders Carnival Club and enjoy the carnival scene and all it has to offer (if you havent heard of the Somerset November Carnivals, google it, ites well worth a visit). I am also a keen charity fundraiser and have been involved with Cancer Research UK for over 10 years helping to raise vital funds locally and regionally. When I am not accounting, taxing, performing, fundraising or chairing, I have two boys who I love pretending to that I am not enjoying getting involved in their games and activities!

Have you always been interested in numbers and can you remember your first calculator?

Always there is a story of me asking my Dad at the age of 5 to stop the car outside of Martins the Newsagents as I had a bit of business with the auditors! Not sure I remember my first calculator, but I still have my first scientific calculator if that counts.

Tell us something that not many people know about you?

I was once verbally abused by celebrity chef, Aldo Zilli dont feel too bad for me, I got a free spa treatment out of it and in fairness I had no idea who the pretentious fool was!    

How has your practice benefited from being part of the Lifecycle accountancy network?

I think the Lifecycle network is great the training is outstanding and, outside of a covid world, gives a great opportunity for networking within the profession which is something that we should all be open to. We are not necessarily competitors (particularly when we are operating in diverse geographical locations) there are opportunities for collaboration, sharing of best practice and advice as well as so much more. The My-MVL offering for solvent liquidations is a definite benefit to membership and shows that

Leonard Curtis are looking at harnessing technology in a way that we havent seen in this particular industry before. I have used a number of the other linked services as well and havent been disappointed.

Find out more about the Lifecycle network at or get in touch on 03300 242 333.


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