
Bristol Steiner School exits administration thanks to passionate community support

Restructuring and Insolvency

Bristol Steiner School has been rescued from administration thanks to a community campaign, saving 25 jobs, keeping the school open for its 80 pupils and ensuring full payment to all creditors.

The school, located in the Redland area of the city, offers an alternative curriculum to around 80 pupils aged from three to 11. Its approach is built on the principles of Rudolph Steiner and focusing on a holistic education that includes intellectual, emotional, practical and artistic development.

Siann Huntley and Sean Ward of insolvency and business-turnaround specialists Leonard Curtis were appointed Joint Administrators of the school in December 2023.

Unfortunately, despite best efforts by the school’s management team, the financial situation had become untenable due to numerous factors including rising energy and interest costs.

Siann Huntley said: “This wonderful success story demonstrates what can be achieved when a community joins forces to save a cherished local institution. It also shows the importance of good management and communication when a company enters difficulties.

“The rescue happened in two stages. Initially we worked with the school’s secured lender, Triodos Bank, to ensure the school could continue in its duty of care to its students.

"This bought us time to work with the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) to make a plan that would allow the school to exit administration and return to the control of the board of trustees. The hard work of the PTFA enabled all creditor claims to be settled in full.

“We worked with all parties to plan and ensure the successful execution of the exit from administration. The result is that the school remains a going concern and will continue to provide an educational service that is unique in the Bristol area.”

Leonard Curtis were advised throughout the process by law firm Osborne Clarke.


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